《kaidan restaurant》 comic of sex, 34 rule, comic porm, pornagraphic comics
"Kaidan Restaurant" is a Japanese horror-comedy manga series written and illustrated by Akinari Nao. The story follows Ako, a young girl who finds herself working at a mysterious restaurant that serves spirits and ghosts instead of regular customers. As she navigates her new job alongside her ghostly co-workers, Ako uncovers the hidden pasts and tragic tales of the supernatural entities she encounters.
Combining elements of horror and humor, "Kaidan Restaurant" takes readers on a delightful yet chilling journey through the world of Japanese folklore and ghost stories. The series is filled with spooky encounters, heartwarming moments, and unexpected twists that keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its unique blend of supernatural elements and quirky characters, "Kaidan Restaurant" offers a fresh and entertaining take on the horror genre.