《gundam 00》 comic of sex, 34 rule, comic porm, pornagraphic comics
"Gundam 00" is a Japanese science fiction manga series written by Yukinojo Mori and illustrated by Tominaga Miyuki. The story is set in a futuristic world where three powerful factions, known as the Celestial Being, the Human Reform League, and the AEU, battle for control over Earth. The Celestial Being, a mysterious group of mobile suit pilots, aims to eradicate all warfare by using their advanced Gundam units to intervene in conflicts worldwide. Led by Setsuna F. Seiei, the protagonist, the Celestial Being must navigate political intrigue, moral dilemmas, and internal conflicts as they fight to bring peace to a war-torn world. With stunning artwork and complex characters, "Gundam 00" has become a beloved series among fans of science fiction and mecha anime.