《sayonara zetsubou sensei》 comic of sex, 34 rule, comic porm, pornagraphic comics
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Koji Kumeta. The story follows Nozomu Itoshiki, a high school teacher who is constantly in despair and finds himself surrounded by eccentric and troubled students. Despite his pessimistic outlook on life, Itoshiki tries to navigate the chaotic and comedic situations he finds himself in with his students. The manga explores various social and cultural issues through its satirical humor and colorful cast of characters. As the series progresses, Itoshiki's relationships with his students deepen and he learns valuable lessons about life and happiness. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei has been praised for its unique storytelling and dark humor, making it a popular and influential manga series.